Sustainable Gastronomy: What is it and What are its Advantages?

Photo by @pproy07, via Freepik

Perhaps you have recently encountered the term sustainability in articles or social media. Have you wondered what it refers to and why it has become a trend? Over time and in the current conditions of the world, sustainability has established itself as a way of life that seeks harmony with the environment in all aspects of daily life, including gastronomy.

What is sustainable gastronomy?

The United Nations defines it as the promotion of the natural and cultural diversity of the planet, as well as the encouragement and promotion of environmentally responsible food consumption. This type of gastronomy aims to promote responsible habits of generation and consumption and encourage the trade of small and medium-sized agricultural producers in the region.

This lifestyle’s measures focus on addressing the needs of three areas: environmental, social, and economic. Sustainable gastronomy starts from the mode of production, packaging, and transportation of food, thus avoiding environmental impact and excessive processing. It concludes with the cooking preparation phase, aiming to promote culinary techniques, culture, and dishes specific to the region.

Photo by Freepik

In addition to its impact on the three aforementioned areas, sustainable gastronomy is built on the following pillars:

  1. Increase productivity, employment, and added value of food systems.
  2. Protect and improve the use of natural resources.
  3. Improve the quality of life and promote inclusive economic growth.
  4. Enhance the resilience of communities and ecosystems.
  5. Encourage governments to take on new challenges that promote sustainable production.

As you can see, sustainable gastronomy has various benefits for both individuals and the surrounding society, from promoting local trade for the development of less privileged communities to encouraging lower expenses and a more balanced diet.

Other benefits of sustainable gastronomy include:

  • Promoting environmentally friendly agricultural techniques.
  • Encouraging the consumption of naturally sourced products.
  • Reducing the waste of natural resources.

With sustainable gastronomy, the quality of life is improved, the dietary needs of current and future generations are met, and contributions are made to the conservation of the environment. Therefore, we invite you to explore this alternative and adopt it as part of your daily habits.


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